Posted 6 years ago
(87 items)
Bought this little guy at a vintage/antique shop in San Clemente on a recent vacation. He’s marked with an X on the back. I need to find a replacement rhinestone (but I wear him anyway). Anyone recognize the maker? Year? Thanks
Thank you Ms. Crystal Ship -- I originally passed on purchasing him and then went back to the store. I belong to a FaceBook group for vintage jewelry repair and am hoping I can locate a stone through them.
What a light-show MadamMisty, and very cute it is! You can hardly see the missing Rhinestone, but like Eileen says, an easy fix, with the right stone! Great find, and thank you for showing! :^)
Hi MadamMisty,
Am located near you and have been collecting and restoring
vintage jewelry for over 45 years if you need help.
Feel free to contact me via my Etsy shop: Jewelsofnile.
As it’s hard to see in the photo, can you tell what the X’s lines are ? Are they ie: swords or other objects such as feathers, pens etc ?
It would have been from late 1950s to 1960s.