Posted 6 years ago
(586 items)
Life has been busy for me of late and CW has fallen through the cracks, but I intend to keep up better from now on!
I have to thank my CW friends for prompting me (thanks Jenny, Fran, Harry, Maren, and Lisa).
Anyway, this vase is a recent arrival, and I purchased it mainly because I wanted to determine it's manufacturer. I have established from my research and Japan visit that Kamei were a wholesaler, not a maker, and I can't always tell who made their items. I like to try!
This vase appears to have been made from an amber glass with red swirled through it, and has then been cased in more amber glass. I believe that it was made by Multi Glass. The shape is the first clue because Multi were more likely to make a shape that had it's widest portion in the top third, and the square but not wide ribs are also a Multi cue. The rim has had an ugly blow but the rounded shape and glass width is good for Multi too. It's no secret that I can get things wrong, so it's not a definite attribution!
Nice height at 22cm, and typically for glass of the 60s/70s, it's a weighty piece.
Hi,Karen,I'm glad to see a post from you at least:)).The glass is beautiful as usually the Japan glass is.
Hello Karen,I’m glad you posted this beautiful vase as I was getting worried about not seeing any of your very interesting Japanese glass.I just called back the awacs spy plane I sent with my little dashound on board who can track anything now that I see your back.
Welcome back! You've been missed! This vase is so vibrant & bold, a great one to return to CW with...
Hiya Karen, what a gorgeous vase for your return post! The upward swirls of red and gold have a flame appearance, such a warm and beautiful piece
I concur with other comments, gorgeous glass vase, the color and organic shape is scrumptious. Thanks for posting Karen.
Hello Stranger!! We've missed you dearly and what a beautiful piece to come back with. Simply outstanding Karen!!
Thanks Ivonne, glad to post again. And thank you for your constant appreciation of Japanese glass.
Jim I did hear a drone recently with a yapping dog on board, was that yours?
Thanks for the love and appreciation, and yes, more Japanese glass to come, of course!
It's a fiery piece for a cold winter's day Iron Lace. Thanks for the love.
is it winter there???
Thanks Jenny, and I hope this vase warms you as much as your care does for me.
Lisa, it's a damaged piece but nice enough to keep for now. Thanks for your appreciation.
Aww, thanks Scott, and I hope all is well with you and yours.
Hey there our handsome stunning Sean. Mwah!
Thankyou Karen :)
Thanks Ken, back and happy. I might not be so regular, but still here.
Hieeee!!!! So good to see you!!! I've been off and on too but you, my friend, seemed to have disappeared! I've missed the heck outta ya!!!
Love this vase too. So glad you're here! I've lost my old account or I'd have been buggin on ya too! haha xoxo
Hi there honeybunch!!
You know about life? It gets in the way of good stuff sometimes, but things are better now and I have more time for CW friends.
Glad to see you are still here and keeping everyone entertained. Keep on!!!!