Posted 6 years ago
(586 items)
My family gave me this bowl a couple of years ago as a present, and for obvious reasons I think it's great.
The awesome orange glass, cased in clear, is so wonderfully moulded. The pattern on the narrow part of the body is like scales, and they open up as the body widens.
It's beautifully made and finished.
I doubt it's Japanese, and have yet to find where it was made. I have asked around and others have it in grey, and clear, but don't know from whence it came.
I have thought maybe American and that's an area of glass I know very little about! Any ideas all?
I do love the color of this lovely bowl. I also really love your new profile pic!
Amazing bold orange color, and the bowl has a wonderful design as if encased in ice - lovely gift from your family! Is that your pet cockatoo I hope, a beauty :)
Looks bit like Whitefriars.
Yes, I thought Whitefriars too, the style reminds Geoffrey Baxter's 60s designs. But this is not really my area either!
Lushes colour!...Swedish?...:-)
Thanks Scott, orange is yummy.
It's not my sulphur crested cockatoo, but we have these visiting us daily. Currently they are successfully defeating my attempts to stop them pulling the rubber strips out of my flyscreens and front window. Awesome birds, but too smart and they constantly behave like a terrible two year old child.
Thanks Jenny and Ken. See my comments above regarding the cockie!
Thanks Vet and IL for the comments. I have had a look at WF and can't quite find this one. I'll keep looking.
It's got that 60s Scandi vibe I know Inky! Still looking.....
Riihimaen i believe?
Looks like Nanny Still fo me...
Thanks Monkey for the guidance. Glad you know stuff!
Similar to yours?..
im thinking Viking ???
Sean I have had a look at Viking but can't find this shape. Thanks for the direction!
Lol Keramikos, the mouth should have done it!
It is a fab piece and great quality, and yes, a Scandi vibe to it. Thanks for trying to find the origin of it, I am really keen to know.
It was bought here in Australia, and on a glass FB page two others said they had it in grey, and clear, both in the States. The grey and clear sounds more Scandi than American to me but I haven't found it yet!
I've tried most Scandi brands and some German as well, no good.
Ah well, I'll just enjoy it and one day I will find out. That's often the glass way, no?
your welcome Karen, im thinking American because ive seen bottoms like that before. or it could be morgan town glass ?
Thanks Sean, American glass is where I am still looking. Checking Morgan Town now.
Thanks for the heads up Renedijkstra. I have always suspected northern Euro but haven’t found it yet. Like I said I have seen a photo of one in grey, no ID, that enforced my belief.
Renedijkstra thanks for your searches!
More to cross off the list.
Orange is a great colour I agree Eileen! Thanks for your love.
i still haven,t find it not even after 1 year
Me neither Apostata, but thanks for still trying. I appreciate it.