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I Scream For Ice Cream Stacking Bowls

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (222 items)

    If you grew up in the 70’s or before, or maybe even in the 80’s, you are probably familiar with the childhood chant about ice scream: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! You may have shouted it yourself in anticipation of the arrival of the ice cream truck. You likely had no idea how that expression originally came about. Well, it was, predictably, a commercial slogan for a particular ice cream product. And you probably are quite familiar with this product. It’s the Eskimo Pie. However, the iconic Eskimo Pie was originally called the I-Scream bar.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Very cute bowl set & thanks for the background on the slogan, always heard it round my house but didn't know Eskimo Pie started it
    2. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 6 years ago
      Thank you Newfld I was reading last night and I found where it might have even evolved From a very racist song. It seems that all things in the past were racist in some sort of way. The song sure was a big part of American culture as we still sing it around this house.
    3. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
      my wife says that all the time ... lol nice find ..don't tell my wife there out there
    4. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 6 years ago
      Ice cream is very interesting. In Victorian England with cones yet to be imvented the Italian Ice cream makers would serve their ice creams in a glass little bowl called a penny lick. The penny lick was a poorly made glass bowl with stem with a small bowl enough for a penn'th (penny) worth of ice cream. Then you would hand your glass back to the seller who should have washed it. They failed to do this and spread many diseases. The ice cream seller would send their children running around their community , shouting Uno Poco, basically buy a small one.

      New Zealand has a flavour called Hokey Pokey. Swansea South Wales UK has an old long established Victorian Ice Cream palour called Joes.
    5. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 6 years ago
      I believe that this is the article that I came across that I was referring to when I posted the bowls. It is just another version of the song that is not so pleasant. I like the other versions that you posted much better. Thank you Keramikos for adding a nicer note.

    6. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 6 years ago
      Did I make a mistake? I looked back at the song and it does not have that same lyric as my bowls. That's what I get for not reading the entire article. I was searching for this song when I came across the racist referral article in my search.
      I was wrong, wasn't I?

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