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Rindskopf twisted marbled pink iridescent glass vase

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Recent Activity11097 of 23521MY GOODWILL FIND.  $10.Loetz "kristall Blitzglas mit dunkelblauem Rand", PN II-4640, ca. 1907
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (950 items)

    This large, twisted vase by Rindskopf has a marbled decor in pink, olive green, white, & deep red, with an iridescent finish. It is made from several layers of cased glass & measures an impressive 30 cm tall.
    After the weekend's snow, there's nothing like some pink to get one thinking of Spring!

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      my fave colour my ironlace & super decor just mega love it
      hope your warm enough in the snow keep warm my dear friend
      all the very best malkey
    2. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Many thanks, MALKEY, glad it's got you feeling in the pink!
      I've got another wonderful piece of pink glass which I'll post tomorrow...
      The snow cleared to a sunny day today, with the temperature 12 degrees Celsius compared to only 2 degrees yesterday. Got a nice fire going & all is cosy in my world!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 6 years ago
      The thumbnail of this made it look like a large thigh bone but clearly it's not!
      I love the colour, subtle and lovely. I would think that doing the squish was a satisfactory feeling for the glass maker!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Many thanks, racer, & I can see what you mean about the bone shape - that's cool!
      Yes, that twisting would have been an important part of the process - to make something already beautiful extra special...

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