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Pink & black Tango glass basket - marked Made in Czechoslovakia

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Bohemian Art Glass1053 of 6681Loetz Russian Green "Ophir" Vase, PN II-1607, DEK 516, ca. 1904Kralik (?) "Applied Flower" vase
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (948 items)

    Here's another one for the pink glass aficianados out there - a pink & black Tango glass basket, which arrived yesterday.
    When I saw this, I jumped - it was both a reasonable price, & a rarely seen colour.
    I know, there's divided opinions out there in CW land regarding baskets - but who could resist this one, I ask you.
    My main issue with buying baskets online is the anxiety I suffer from in hoping that it's been packed securely. This one is also not too big or wide, so won't hog cabinet space, either. And did I mention that it's pink? PINK Tango glass!
    The basket is made from a single layer of slightly translucent pink glass, & measures around 21.5 cm tall including the black applied handle. It is 12 cm across the top rim, which is trimmed in black, & 9 cm across the base, which has a snapped pontil mark.
    Marked Made in Czechoslovakia - hard to see in the photo, but it's there. This was purchased from the USA, hence the mark. Marked glass of this type is rarely found in Australia. The marking appears to be etched, & is in a rather fine, upright font.

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    1. Wow22, 6 years ago
      This is an interesting turn-up. Seems to me to be a Welz basket shape and handle with the provenance stamp often found on Welz production (although not used for sole attribution). Never seen any pink tango Welz though...... It's great.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Many thanks, Wow22!
      I thought that this piece might be something a bit different. I do have a couple of pink Loetz Tango pieces, & one which is most likely Welz in a very pale pink.
      I had a basket this same shape (a little smaller) in a deep orange, which I sold some years back.
    3. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      I believe this is a Welz example. This particular basket is seen with 3 different rim treatments. This one, one without an applied rim color, and a crimped one with an applied rim treatment. The crimped rim is far less common than the other two. The form has been seen in 16 different Welz decors. I have a green one with a black handle and black applied rim treatment. The pink is great.....
    4. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Thanks so much, welzebub, thought this one would be of interest to you. I was thrilled to get it - so glad it was a buy it now, because I hit that buy it button as soon as I saw it!
    5. inky inky, 6 years ago
      Just loving that pink with the black trim..beautiful!...:-)
    6. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Thanks so much, inky! Black & pink is always in style...

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