Posted 6 years ago
(390 items)
Here are seven nutmeg grinders in my collection. Two are made of cast iron and the rest are tin. They grind the nutmeg to be added to early recipes of soups, stews, meats, and even deserts, The nuts are dried out until you can rattle the inner meat inside the shell, then the shell is removed and the nut is put into the nutmeg grinder where a rasp-like grater grinds the meat to a fine powdery grit that was added to your food. I like nutmeg grinders because there are so many variations of them. They make a good collectable.
Nutmegs grow on a small tree and the fruit is picked like walnuts. I believe that they are more of a tropical tree so I don't think that they can grow in a more temperate climate. ( I could be wrong about their growing location, If anybody knows, please comment)
I believe that nutmeg is in the mace family of nuts
The last photo is a few nutmegs after the shell is removed.
When I lived in Jamaica years ago, there were several Canadians who were concentrating nutmeg as a hallucinogenic. It was legal & they seemed to prosper, but it is said to have a bad hangover.
hi BB2, I am told that nutmeg can have tendencies to make you very sick if taken in very large quantities.
I don't know. They extracted to oil or whatever from it. I like myself and never really got past experimenting with drugs. (other than Sunday brownies)