Posted 6 years ago
(593 items)
This is a Licensed by GM Corporation 1/18 Scale model of a 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup Truck, that I got at the Flea Market last Weekend 08/10-11/2019, for a friend of mine that has a real Chevy Truck like it. Brian(fortapache) posted earlier today a 1957 Chrysler Model, so I wanted to show this one! :^D It has a little damage, rear bumper, right rearview mirror, and windshield wiper blade a little tweaked, but it still looks cool! Both doors open, it has a full interior, and the hood opens to show what the engine looks like, also it has a the full under carriage, and the front wheels turn side to side using the steering wheel, nice detail! I think my friend will like it! :^D Here's a little more information on this:
Year of Manufacture 1994
Color Green
Personal Number Plate, Special Edition
Series ERTL American Muscle
Vehicle Year1955
Vehicle Type Pickup Truck
Die Cast and Plastic
Thanks for looking, I haven't researched this Model, so don't know anything else about it! All comments are welcome! :^)
Here's a link to Brian(fortapache)'s post:
Thanks for posting Brian! :^D
Thanks for looking! :^)
Here's one on ebay:
It has all the information about it and I'll post I in descriptions!
Thank you for looking northwestrelics, and for the love that you gave! :^)
Hey Thomas it's always nice to have you stop by, and give some love! Thank you! :^)
So perfectly realistic with the pups!!
wow bill smiling I had the real dear 55,, I'll see if I can dig it up and post it ... love yours ,..but to small to drive .. '-)) later bud..
Thanks Watchsearcher, I keep Bear and Bandit on the shelf in the Hall for just such emergencies, and this time they fit the part Perfectly! :^D
Ah yes, 1955 brings back memories of my birth, and what a year it was! Wait that is off topic! :^D I tried driving it, and I think that how the bumper broke, no I asked Bear to jump in the Bed and he broke it, I think I broke the mirror! &:^} Thank you for your comment Roycroftbooksfromme1, I'd love to see your 55, but don't dig too deep, somethings are better left unearthed! :^D
Thanks to you all, for taking a look, and you gift of love, Watchsearcher, Roycroftbooksfromme1, Vynil, and Rich, it's appreciated! :^)
That is super cool. Love the old trucks form the 50s and the Chevy is one of my favorites.
Thanks Brian, I like them too, but never wanted a Pickup, everyone wants you to move them! :^D I got a minivan instead, and still have to move them! Oh well!
Thank you for checking this one out, the Post's on you! :^D Thanks for the love too! :^)
Hey Ken, thanks for taking a look, and loving what you saw! :^)
This is so cool. So incredibly detailed!!
Thanks jscott, when I found out that the steering wheel turned the front wheels right, and left, that's what really made it cool for me! Ah the little things, that make the difference! :^D
EJW-54, and jscott, thank you for the love that you gave! :^)
What a nice car. Even if I was not that interested in cars as a young girl (mot now either to be honedt :)) I would always enjoy detail when I saw it. Ofcourse you want a car like this where you can look at the motor and with such a detail under it. Wonderful!
Thanks for your comment, and the love that you gave Elisabethan, sorry I thought that I answered your comment, but I guess that I didn't Submit it! :^)
Much Thanks to TheGateKeeper, truthordare, and MALKEY too, for the love that you gave! :^)
Hey Vynil, I didn't know that you hadn't seen this post, thank you for the love! :^)