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KRALIK Deco Opalescent handled amber vase

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Bohemian Art Glass1309 of 6908Some thickly enameled early Loetz vases.Czechoslovakia spatter candle holder
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (367 items)

    For people expecting the colorful, sometimes garishness of Czechoslovakian Deco Era glass, these opalescent pieces could easily be overlooked.

    Though I suppose the identification may be somewhat tentative, from what I've seen, most of these opalescent pieces are attributed to Kralik. Examples of Kralik's Opalescent decors can be seen at the website. Though this shape is not represented anywhere that I have found, I have reasons to think it was made by Kralik. The underside has a straight-line "Czechoslovakia" stamped mark that. for lack of a better explanation, appears on items deemed to be Kralik and this amber-on-white with clear amber handles decor appears on items more easily associated with the Kralik Opalescent decors.

    This vase stands a little over 7" (18 cm) tall. It has a 4½" (11.3 cm) diameter across the polished rim and rests on a 2¾" (7 cm) diameter foot.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 6 years ago
      I would never have picked this as Kralik. Great form, I particularly love the belled neck and it’s mimic of the base shape.

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