Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
I came across this trunk and had to have it to store my grandpas WW2 belongings. I never met him but found his belongings at a distant relatives and I cherish them. As far as the trunk....I’m not real sure the age or whom the maker is but would love to know. I looked at as many Belbers as I could find but I noticed that mine had a different rivet pattern on the metal banding than any that I could locate on the internet. The spacing is just different. Any idea if this is significant? I want to replace the handles and just try to get the rust gone. Any info on the maker or which replacement handles would be original....also if I am successful at getting the rust off how do I then preserve it so it doesn’t rust again? Should I keep the paper or is there something suitable to preserve what’s there? Also this is metal on the outside and wood on the inside... is that usual?
Thanks in advance for any information!
Laura Belle
I love it that you treasure your grandfather’s belongings and that relatives respected and acknowledged your grandfather’s life and service to his country by keeping his WWII items together all these years.
Thanks. I feel like I really missed out by not knowing him. Most special... I retrieved his Purple Heart.!
That’s fantastic!
I have all my father’s WWII belongings including his Bronze Star metal and a document detailing what he did to earn it.
Oh that’s so good! I tried to get documentation but couldn’t uncover anything. ????