Posted 15 years ago
(10 items)
Beads and sequins cover this exquisite example of mid 20's fashion. It has a scalloped hem with glass beaded flowers in pastel pink, yellow, purple and red. This is mirrored around the front and back yoke section. There are beaded tassels on either hip. A silk or satin slip would originally have been worn underneath.
It's not labelled but probably of French origin. There is some damage underneath the arms so it's carefully stored in acid-free tissue paper in a box.
Very unusual, the flowers seem over large for the dress. I have a flapper that is all beaded in very good condition, pale yellow cloth, silver beadwork.
I don't think the flowers are particularly large when looking at the dress as a whole. I've taken some very close-up photographs of the flowers here. I agree that it's a very unusual dress though. I would expect to see something like this in a museum of costume or similar. It's quite beautiful. :)
wonderful dress!