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Victorian Welz production

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Art Glass3494 of 22787Some more yellowPair of 1970's Carlo Moretti Murano decanters
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (186 items)

    Cheerful colour and funny shapes make the pair a bit weird.I wouldn't call them nice but hilarious - oh,yes.As an expression of the esthetic of the Era they deserve to be given the highest consideration.

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      Great pieces of Welz. In many cases their aesthetic, both shapes and décors, are certainly very unique in the whole scheme of Bohemian/Czech glass. I especially love their shapes like these.... Quirky, but uniquely Welz.
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      They are always the first among other glass to attract my friends' attention .
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 5 years ago
      I like them, weird or not :)
    4. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      I'm thinking about meaning of <weird<.Is it more negative or rather positive?I wouldn't give negative connotations to the description of the vases.Maybe <bizarre< would be better?
    5. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Weird is always positive in my opinion! :-)
      Bizarre, quirky, eccentric, characterful, oddball, off the wall, kooky...all are appropriate to describe these vases...
    6. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thanks a lot,IronLace!Non-natives problems...I'm never 100% sure.
    7. sklo42 sklo42, 5 years ago
      Ivonne, when I said, "I liked them weird or not" I wasn't questioning your use of the word weird. My intention was to say that I liked them whatever description was applied to them.
    8. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      I understand ,Peggy :) It's all my incertainty.
    9. inky inky, 5 years ago
      I love and agree with IronLace’s the colour of these Peggy, cheerful!..:-)
    10. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thank you all for the comments and loves:)

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