Posted 5 years ago
(230 items)
I came across what I think is a teapot in my basement. I have had it for over 5 years and came across it today. An internet search only linked to R. Wallace silver smiths. No other information what's is on the crest or mark on the bottom. Anyone have any additional information on it?
Here's a post from 7 yrs. ago it might help:
Your Teapot was probably made for The Pickwick Arms Hotel and the Stag over the Shield is the Hotel symbol. I hope you can get more information, from what I've given you! Thanks for posting were! :^)
@billretirecoll Good work finding that reference from 7 yrs. ago. The research that miKKoChristmas11 did was extensive - unfortunately the poster was a one-of.
A good thing CW keeps the Post, and Profile up just as long as the owner doesn't delete it, so the information is still there. use to do that, now they just say the page can't be found, so if you find an image of something, that was sold on Ebay, a long time ago, there's no info to go with it, and the search goes on! :^)