Posted 5 years ago
(131 items)
Other examples of "Snakeskin" or "Ribbed twisted" decors. Some elements lead to Kralik others to Rindskopf. The shapes probably lean towards Kralik. Anyway, there is a great resemblance to other decors Rindskopf ("Striated"). Perhaps the problem is that around 1900 about 20 glassmakers moved from Lenora (Kralik) to Kosten (Rindskopf).
I have thought quite a bit about these decors, and have collected quite a few image examples of these, too. First, I am going to say that in the first photo, the vase in the middle I strongly believe is actually Heckert. I once thought this decor was by Rindskopf, but after looking at quite a few other shape examples, and examples with finely ground pontils, I believe this is correct. I also have seen a small vase in this decor that was once shown by Mike Moir that he also ID'd as Heckert (in a classic Heckert shape). Maybe Mike can post it again? (I have the image and would be happy to email it to you, along with other examples.)
Now, from my many years of collecting Rindskopf and studying their shapes, I do not believe that the other vases in photo 1 or in photo 2 are Rindskopf. The shapes don't add up for me here as being theirs.
Photo 3 shows a decor and shapes that I do believe are Rindskopf; they also used that lovely yellowish amber glass in some of their other work.
Photo 4 I can't attribute; I feel it could be any of the above three makers.
Sorry for the long post - this subject always peaks my interest very much - thanks for posting this, Ales! :)
Yes photo 3 are definitely Rindskopf. Figures 1, 2 and 4 are most likely Kralik, but the vase in Figure 4 has the same shape as the "Pampas" vase attributed to Rindskopf. see my site:
All the vases of Figs. The vases of Figure 2 have a finer relief ribbing - crossed (all giving the impression of snake skin). The vase of Figure 4 is again in the same design - with the only difference the upper part is in the "Ribed tvisted" design and the bottom is the "Snakeskin". I compared the vases from photo 1 with Rindskopf "Striated" vases - the technique is the same. The bottoms look like from the same manufacturer (there are also spots like Loetz Papillon). Personally, I don't believe it is Heckert. I still have information in my head from Pazaurek: Rindskopf was the biggest domestic competitor of Loetz. If that were true, it certainly was not only in relation to the decors assigned now to Rindskop.
Otherwise, thank you very much for your contribution to the discussion.
I add: the vase left on photo 2 has the same shape (only finer relief ribbing) as Warren's vase - see:
Thanks for your thoughts, Ales. Good points. And I also remember that statement in Pazurak - it really puts Rindskopf's production into perspective, doesn't it? By the way, I found the post with Mike's vase in it - image four, here:
One more post on the red decor here on CW:
Good post by manddmoir. But I think the vases in Figures 2 and 4 are not Heckert (Otto Tham). I think it is Rindskopf (possibly Kralik). In my opinion, some PN drawings in Zelasko book are not convincing that they belong to the assigned vases in this book. It is only a certain similarity of shapes - but this does not mean that it is an element that leads to a clear identification of the manufacturer.
Yes, I know a post from Bambus. But again, nothing convinces me that this is Heckert. I think it's Rindskopf or Kralik.
The vase in the middle has the same (or perhaps similar) shape as the martele and corrugated vases. These are the decors attributed to both Kralik and Rindskopf. Corrugated see one of Frank Ford's amazing posts - see:
Martelé - see Kralik on ebay
I agree that some of the drawings in the Heckert book are not fully convincing. I wish some matched up better than they do. Thanks for pointing out Frank's post - I am going to take a look at this shape in more depth!
Have you seen this shape before? It's a good example of the decor, I think. (not my photo - I just uploaded it so I can post it here)
I feel like I've seen it before, but I can't remember where and when. Maybe some Fischer auction?
I am going to see if I can find it in Kralik a shape...