Posted 5 years ago
(497 items)
I brought this pretty Compote in our local Antiques centre today. It looks like it's Fenton Carnival Glass Compote in the Peacock Tails Pattern. the base colour is Amethyst, and i'm not sure of the age.
It's a beauty AdeleC, if TallCakes sees it I'm sure you'll find out what you need to know! :^D I have several in this pattern, both Bowls, and Compotes, Fenton, made a lot of beautiful Glass! :^)
I found this description for your Fenton Compote AdeleC:
The Fenton #407 Peacock Tail was first introduced c1910 and came in a number of different colors. The inside of the dish has a detailed pattern with graduating iridescent color. The rim is finished with a crimped edge.
This piece was made by the Fenton Glass Company who first introduced "iridescent ware" in 1907.
I'm not sure of the Color, but I hope this helps! :^)
I'm sorry, I believe your piece is a 6 ruffle edge, not crimped edge! :^)
ditto what Bill said on c1910 but the Fentin pattern number was different for the different forms/shapes.