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An Early Loetz 'Intarsia' Vase.

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bohemianglas…'s loves226 of 1249Loetz - Esmeralda  - Dunkelgrün Wellenoptisch Ciselé Loetz II-180 in Norma; II-181 in Gold Papillon[1900]
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (87 items)

    Loetz patented on 28.Dec.1885 the 'Intarsia' glass. Here, thin plates of coloured glass are molten into the surface of an glass object. In my bowl the 'Intarsia' consists out of numerous round red glass pieces being the fruits of the enameled autumn leafe décor. The top rim is artfully tooled and shows a series of small holes. Loetz produced only a quite small number of 'Intarsia' objects, as they were not very successful on the market and only very few survived up to now. In contrast to Emile Galle, who used much later this 'Marqueterie' technique, with overwhelming success. After 1900 loetz applied the 'Intarsia' décoration onto some 'Phenomen Genres'. My vase is signed 'LW patent' (LW standing for Loetz Widow). It stands H=10.0 and D=20x20 cm. I'm indebt to Pam Wojcik and Penny Smith for their support on purchasing this rare piece. The last foto shows the bowl in a W. Rogers MFG Co mount.

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    1. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Beautiful and rare piece. Congratulations.
    2. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Is this signing the same as my Intarsia vase? (I read it as LM or ML?) See:
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 5 years ago
      Fabulous !!.!!.!!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Absolutely stunning!
    5. kairomalte, 5 years ago
      Dear Ales,
      yes it is the very same signature as on your 'Intarsia' vase, one may be indeed thinking it would mean ML - ligated, when reading 'Patent', but it is only meaningful as LW, reading - though unusual - just top-down. Your vase follows the décor in 'Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940' vol I page 62.1. I have a similar one, shown at
    6. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Thank you Kai, I'm fixing it.
    7. slpprs slpprs, 5 years ago
      Kai..thanks for the 'notice, along with Penny...I just saw this post today...So glad you posted...from my house to yours...a loving home!

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