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Loetz Opal with Sea Blue and Metallic Frit, st PN III-2331, ca. 1920s

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    This is from a series of pieces made in the 1920s in tango colors with colored frit interspersed with metallic Titania type frit. The shape is similar to PN III-2331. I believe the frit color in this piece is "seeblau", or sea blue, and the metallic frit also has a greenish hue. This is the first piece in this color combination I have ever seen. The opal layer is UV reactive. The rim is fire polished, and it has a ground and polished pontil.

    Disclaimer - it is acknowledged that this attribution is is my opinion only, and not the opinion of, where I volunteer as an advisor.

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    1. Glassie Glassie, 5 years ago
      Love this!
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Always fun to see a new color combo! As this is a PN-III series, do you recommend a reference book for later Loetz patterns? Thanks
    3. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      For what it is worth, and certainly meaning no disrespect, I have always found this shape to be quite problematic in using it as a partial pathway to an attribution. As you know, the body of PN III-2331 is quite a bit taller than the body of this vessel in relationship to the overall height. This form is quite similar to many others I do not believe to be Loetz, that I have studied.

    4. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 5 years ago
      We can't be certain that this example is Loetz. There were several other glass producers who used this shape including Murano. The sea blue colors and white opal ground are also not typical of Loetz. I have photo examples of other productions in this shape that are not Loetz. A red vase with copper colored mica flecks that has a circle rather than an oval mark, an Ausf 136 type vase in blue also with copper mica flecks but with an applied white flower and threads that were clearly not done by Loetz and an Ausf 237 type vase with a matte finish that some have identified as possibly being Kralik.
    5. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      The examples you are referring to are the examples I referenced as having studied. I arrived at the conclusion that the shape was not Loetz production about 6 or 7 years ago, maybe a little longer. That information was distributed in the glasshounds mailing list. This shape was shown in a shape on the original in a decor which is now classified by most as being of an unknown source. Here is a link to an image of some of the examples I used in my study, along with this example. The image which was on the original is the top right example, a decor I refer to as Diamond Bubble.
    6. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      I would add that the example in the Diamond Bubble has a ground and polished rim, the rest are fire polished.
    7. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Jill, as of right now, there is only one source for Series III paper patterns, and that is Volume II of Loetz Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940 (the "Musterschnitt").
    8. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Thanks for that comparison, Deb - It's not completely scientific, but I measured the relative lengths and widths of each example (if the height of each piece is the same), and proportionally, the neck of my vase is slightly longer and thinner (in some cases, quite a bit thinner) than all the others, except for the Rückl, which as you point out has a cut rim. An observation which draws no conclusions, other than that they are not all the same.
    9. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      (Additional photos posted in a new article)
    10. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      It also resembles Harrach "Pompeja" from 1904 (design by Julius Jelinek). See - Mergl: From the New World to the World - picture 372.

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