Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This piece is 9.25" long x 7.25" high x ~3" wide (I forgot to measure the width). Supposedly, these were used as bookends and they are heavy enough for that purpose. This has been in back of one of my china cabinets for years. I have no idea when or where I found it. Apparently made by the New Martinsville Glass Company of West Virginia, that later became Viking Glass. This is the #716 Wolfhound, or Russian Borzoi. I have quite a bit of New Martinsville crystal. It was a phase....
Beautiful wolfhound, great find!
Very cool looking Wolfhound!
@Newfld - Thanks Jenni! I wish I could remember the details of where/when I found this..
@LaurenRedmond - Thanks! I think so, too!
Thanks for loving my New Martinsville glass!
Thanks for loving my dawg Thomas and MALKEY!
Thank you, aura!
Thanks for loving my NMG wolfhound racer4four, blunderbuss2 and Mrstyndall!
Thank you Ms.CrystalShip!
Thanks for taking a look at my wolfhound TexasJack!