Posted 5 years ago
(3485 items)
Four more of the regular one through 75 series Matchbox and their king-size counterparts.
First we have the hectra tractors also known as a front-end loader. I like the hydraulics on the King Size version.
Next we have a pair of Mercedes ambulances. Note the patient on the stretcher. Both have splints for broken bones.
Number three is the NuvaRing ham (I used dictation should say Hooveringham) 8 wheel Tipper. It is orange.
And finally wrapping it up is the regular size Dodge crane truck although the king-size version is a Scammell crane truck but they pretty much are vastly similar.
Didn't realize how many King Sizes were made. Big or little they have the perfect colors.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I counted 43 models that were king size. This does not count the Super Kings.
Thank you very much Broochman.
This is great that you have the stretchers for both ambulances!
Thank you very much roddy. I also have the boxes.