Posted 5 years ago
(95 items)
I love functional Loetz! Here are a Candia Papillon stemmed apertif glass and a lighter. If I were a cigar-smoker, this would be a great excuse to sit down and relax.
The lighter came from Alan, and after some tinkering and a new flint it is now in good working condition!
Wonderful. Congratulations.
That lighter was actually a small vase, correct - as I seem to recall the old post on this and the discussion that it was never a real lighter. I do not think that post is still around
Yes, antiquerose I believe that is correct. The post is still available in Alan2310's profile.
In trying to refurbish the lighter insert, I learned that they were very common to the 1950's although some were made in the 40's. As the glass was likely made closer to 1900-1910, the two could not have met by accident!
My Loetz collecting has taken a couple of twist's over the years, from vases to lighting and everything in between. I am on a secondary mission to sprinkle Loetz items throughout my house and this little lighter is a far nicer way to light candles than a matchstick!