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He tried to Fly , but the wax melted

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3675 items)

    When they first built a tower
    His hot breath filled its bowels
    It burned the uncovered
    When his breath turned to flame
    Hitler‘s finest flying ship


    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      The last survivor just passed away
    2. Bruce99 Bruce99, 5 years ago
      Oh, the humanity!
    3. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      I will never forget hearing the radio announcer saying,, Oh ,the humanity
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      Hard to believe they still had a survivor
    5. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      He was 8 years old when his Mother throw him out of the Hindenburg with his brother before she perished I believe!!! It was in the newspaper last week I think??
    6. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      He died at 90 years old in Laconia N.H, Check it out.
    7. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Look up in the air. There is a dirigible there.
    8. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      When I hear, "Oh, the humanity", I think of Less Nessman in the WKRP Turkey episode.
    9. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      Less said "Their hitting the ground like Bags of Wet Cement!!!!!" My favorite episode!!
    10. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      "As god as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"
    11. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      The turkeys wings were frozen
    12. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      Hydrogen por favor

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