Posted 5 years ago
(649 items)
Although this very cool Loetz footed bowl appears to be black and red, the glass is actually a very deep shade of amethyst or violet. The PN is not shown in the collection of paper patterns reproduced in Loetz Bohemian Glass Band 2 (the Musterschnitt), there are reproductions of sales catalogue pages in the back of this book that show the shape, designated as PN III-439. The bottom is stamped with the oval Czecho-Slovakia mark. The bowl is about 6" wide. The combination of deep amethyst with applied coral red elements is quite rare; in fact, I can't even find it mentioned in the Series III production notes.
Very nice find Warren - have seen the purple color tango accented by yellow and blue but rarely in red. I have one with the six vertical drips. Do you think the other times I have seen black with red - the black was actually purple?