Posted 5 years ago
(938 items)
We recently found and purchased this huge 8’ cool 1937 Mobil Gas sign in New Mexico and will soon add it to the Lakeside Storage Museum in Provo Ut. Looks like a December trip to NM is awaiting us and then a quick trip to old ElPaso since it’s so close.
It’s pretty hard to find these older signs in good condition and this is very nice for its size and age. I just love chasing old porcelain signs!
That’s a awesome sign and in great shape . Expensive in deed .
Sign prices have gone nuts lately and it is ruining the hobby and pricing us out of it. Hard to believe we are paying all that hard earned $$$ for a sign from a now defunct old oil company?
Antique Toys
Thx for the love it
Nice one :)
We have a lot of Mobil signs in the Lakeside Collection but non as big as this one. I think this may be the earliest one we have as well?