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Bronze Urn

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Asian Vases130 of 1111Japanese vase Antique Thin Asian Porcelain Vase
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (202 items)

    I just purchased this urn, I believe it is marked on the bottom. It is very heavy, I am assuming bronze. It was on $6, I thought I would buy it. It has grapes and leaves relief. If anyone have info they can share, I would appreciate it.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the love Sean68, Watchsearcher, Valentino97 and Aura.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      I thought French at first glance, but wonderful find, how lucky you are !!~
    3. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thanks Phil, but you see, I don't know. It's a guess! :-) I love the relief and the fact that I can't break it. I will go with your idea and research French.
    4. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the love fortapache and Vniyl.
    5. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      What a great buy for $6. It looks like a Chinese/Asian impression on bottom. Maybe someone can translate. If not, there are some Chinese antique pages on Facebook that should be able too.
    6. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thank you Mrstyndall, I tried using my Google translate and evidently I don't know what I'm doing. I will try Facebook, great idea!
    7. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      You’re welcome, it is a great piece, I would have grabbed it up too ;)
    8. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the love Newfld , foseatme, and SEAN88
    9. Nathaniel.J, 5 years ago
      Beautiful! What a fantastic bargain!
    10. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Thank you Nathaniel!
    11. Melnyiam Melnyiam, 5 years ago
      Japanese bronze vase, Meiji Period.
      I knew I had seen one of these before. Several of them have been on auction at very reputable auction sites over the years. I saw it when I was looking for something else that I still don't know what it is. You can use those first few words as a search term and add the word grapes and you should get good results. I just joined this site because I saw a bunch of people that had a lot of mysteries like I do. If I am not mistaken I am not supposed to post items that are up for sale is that correct? I should take them down before I ask what they are right?
    12. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Hi Melnyiam, I don't quite know the rules, but I appreciate the help. Maybe someone on here can answer the question. I love to post, so ...I don't know rules.
    13. Melnyiam Melnyiam, 5 years ago
      Well if I don’t know what it is and I put it up for sale I probably just listed it under a lot of really specific descriptive terms. We shall see. Did you find what you were looking for as far as references and substantiation for your vase?
    14. raven3766 raven3766, 5 years ago
      Yes I did! Thank you Melnyiam, information greatly useful and appreciated.
    15. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      i think it is late mejji , early taisho maybe , can,t trace the mark

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