Posted 14 years ago
(23 items)
This is something i have been wanting to do for some time, adding sound to the images of the records in my collection.
I have uploaded short experts from the records on You Tube,the video i quite querky, but the sound comes through quite nicely.
Collecting records is more then just the covers, its the music and the sound of the record that is the most important to me.
So here it is, i want to give you a short insight to what makes collecting records so exiting.
Video and audio is taken with an old sony digital camera, so it is not at all perfect, but i think the exitement of the music played will come through to those who listen in.
1 st link: Ricci Gamba Carmen fantasie
2 nd link: Hispavox, Sarasate violin
3 rd link:Copland Dorati Mercury Living Presence
4 th link: Sonny Rollins Way Out West
i have uploaded 4 pieces more from records in my collection
here is the link to my canal on you tube.
let me know what you think about this way to show the records
AMAZING ! It is a great way to show off your records AND the music... There is so much garbage on youtube that the "good guys" need to start uploading the good music.
That's a sick system you have ! ! !
i wanted to do this, to let others come into my world of music
i think it shows what is so fascinating about collecting records on vinyl.
there are good guys on you tube, i can mention SuperVINVAN, a japanese
who has a even more sick system then mine,and he loves his records.
Then there is David Hertzberg, he has uploaded several tousends of classical records, many of those has never been heard before, truly amazing work that he has done here.
And Mozart99900 who has uploaded some of the greatest violinsts and there work, again pasionate and amazing work.
there plenty more waiting to be discovered on you tube, its a great platform to do this kind of work.
i will continue to upload more music, but at moment i am restricted by the camera i own, i have save up for a better qualitycamera, so that the picture will be better, and most importantly the soundquality.