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Loetz elfenbein Phänomen innen Silber, Genre 8237, PN II-8237, ca. 1912

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    The variety of late period Phänomen Genres (after 1904) never ceases to amaze, and the lamp shade patterns have proven invaluable in identifying these late decors. This one is previously uncatalogued - the paper pattern for this shape (II-8237) dates to 1912, and defines Genre 8237 this way: Gre. 8237 - moosgrün (moss green) & blattgrün (leaf green)/ Silber (silver) Krösel (frit)/ 6 teilig (parts). This one has an elfenbein (ivory) ground, and is "innen Silber" - interior silver iridescence. Highly UV reactive - and it is large, too- about 7" tall and fully 7" wide. It would make a formidable vase, if it had a bottom and wasn't so busy being such an awesome lamp shade!

    Coming soon to - this is the first one of these I have ever seen. I love the color combo!

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      OOOOOOOO! I WANT IT!!!!! Beautiful!
    2. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Wonderful. Congratulations.

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