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Greenlight Colectibles Estate Wagons Series 1970 Oldsmobilr Vista Cruiser

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    While shopping for others I tend to buy a treat or two for myself. Ran into this while looking for 1/24 scale Greenlight trailers. Anyway this is the classic Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser. Probably the most iconic of the wagon of that period. Not quite as cool as a Nomad or Woodie (despite the simulated wood).
    The vista in the Vista Cruiser is that raised area in the rear cargo section and the passenger in that rear area got that enhanced view. I am looking up how that seat in the rear was set up. We had a Mercury Wagon with the rear seats facing each other. It was rather cramped and was rarely used. OK there it is. It faces forward. The back of the second row folds down so small people can crawl over and get into the seat. Our Mercury used the rear door so that was easier than the Olds to enter. I am thinking those windows along the roof were more a style than functional yet it allows for more cargo space. It does look neat regardless.

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      It is definitely an icon, I always thought the vista window was a neat idea. I don't recall anybody in my family having a wagon. I'd never really rode in a wagon until I joined the Boy Scouts. It seemed like half of the parents had one. I got to ride in several different seats in them. I liked the back "flip up" seat facing the rear the best.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Toyrebel. Riding the rear facing seat sounds like fun. You get a unique view that way. Probably not as much fun as riding in the back of a pick up truck though.

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