Posted 5 years ago
(950 items)
Most guys spend their time at Christmas shopping in all the stores in the City for the odds and ends they can find for stocking stuffers. We headed out through a blinding snowstorm at 3am on Monday and drove 16 hrs to El Paso, stopping along the way to pick up a couple of signs I had bought in NM over the internet as well as stopping in a little town to eat and hearing about a visible pump in a guys junk pile, which, of course, I bought and added to the load. We then made the serious mistake of allowing Seri to direct us to Scottsbluff NE, which took us an hr and a half longer route than we should have taken and landing us there at midnight in the freezing cold. The next day early we headed out again to load up some more signs I had located by calling Collectors previously and finally headed for home arriving again at midnight. Long arduous, but very productive “Christmas Pickin trip”. I love hunting signs and pumps! I even found more that I couldn’t load on and have to retrace some of our steps on the next run. Yes! That’s an original Frontier pole on the rack of my truck.
Boy you got it bad don’t you . I thought I had the picking bug bad , Great looking load of signs . Keep up the good work your inspirational to us all . Purvis , Merry Christmas
I have a huge pole and the huge old light fixture that lit up my dad’s gas station for years....I’ve been wanting to get it set up somewhere around my property but the thing is so heavy, it just seems impossible!!
The pole on top of your truck made me think of it again.
Mostly I have it BIG. I like big stuff as u can see. I have space to put it and small stuff doesn’t show up. It is fair to say that I’m OC about it and it’s incurable I’m told.
Dig the hole and pour the footings and get that part over with. Then go and rent a tractor with a lift or a boom truck at your local rental place and stand em up. U need those things stood!
Thanks for the tips! It will definitely require a good footing!
If u can borrow a post hole digger from a neighbor or rent one it will help. Put a couple of bars of 1/2” rebar in it and attach it to some horizontal rebar on the upper part of the footing base it will strengthen it for heavy winds. Use 6 bag mix concrete not the Home Depot cheap stuff unless u add pure cement to the bag mix.
I have post hole diggers, probably have scraps of rebar in the shed. Thanks for all your good advice.
What a great story and amazing signs, such commitment, you are picking royalty for sure .....