Posted 5 years ago
(3472 items)
It looks vintage but is 19 years old at most. This is the Radio Flyer Retro Red Scooter. I see a lot of the tricycle version of this around. They look old but are not thus retro. Actual vintage items do say "retro" on them. Anyway this is a very well made probably better made than the real vintage scooter. I think the training wheels are more for display as it does display nicely that way. Do not recall seeing an actual scooter with training wheels. You can keep one foot on the ground so they aren't really needed.
This one is missing the chrome fenders and the streamers. although it is still worth maybe $50 as is.
I prefer the razor scooter myself. The handler bars are adjustable for adults to use and the rear fender can be used as a brake.
This is nicely done. I would have liked to have had a razor scooter back in '50s, they are more practical like you said. My nieces, nephews and god kids like me because I'm about the only adult that will ride their new Christmas bike, skateboard, scooter etc. My niece let me try out her Razor scooter one Christmas, she had a hard time getting back from me!
Love it... Now all you need a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200 BB-Gun next to it.
They just don't make toys like that anymore...
Good Job!
Makes me thinking of putting a foot on it and taking off flying !~
Neat. It certainly does look retro doesn't it.
Love it! More fun stuff to play with.
Hapyr New Year Fort Apache.
No brakes on this?
I guess feet are good for that as well as not falling over.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I am no longer doing quarter pipes on Razor Scooters but I would try going down a rather steep hill near here.
Thank you very much Rulandma although this one is less than 20 years old.
Thank you very much Phil. I may try when the snow melts.
Thank you very much elanski. Perhaps I should stop hating on it.
Thank you very much truthordare. We shall see.
ya I lived on a hill when I got one with out the trailing wheels.. cool paint your yard white ..'-)
Thank you very much Findings. Right now it has about 18" of white paint.