Posted 5 years ago
(948 items)
Collecting has been a passion for me since an early age.
Beautiful, unusual, & mysterious things have always fascinated me, & that's why I (& so many other folks out there) delight in seeking them out & decorating my life with them. Their kind brings a little magic into our lives, especially when the times are challenging.
Sometimes, the collection is all that keeps one going as trouble rains down all around.
Anyway, I admit to being something of an enigma. Never went out of my way to be, it just happened that way.
I don't fit in any of the boxes.
1. A Venetian glass mirror of diminutive size in which I find myself pleasantly entrapped.
2. Victorian art glass, my grand passion, & the colours of these pieces complement my flag.
3. What I adore about the Victorian aesthetic is how superbly odd it is - & it suits me perfectly. Mingled with some glass & porcelain hand vases is a brand new, plastic Halloween decoration that looks right at home. A memento mori that makes me smile...
4. Today, I purchased a scented candle, & this little note came with it, rather like a fortune cookie - "the enigma of him" appropriate!
Such a great post!
Enigma are always appealing.....
Enigma comes from a Greek word that means "to speak in riddles."
Thanks so much, my friend, your kind words & support are much appreciated...
Findings, that's me all over! :-)
lol... a lot of us hang there ....smiling have a good night ...later
Its all good, & the best to you, too! :-)
You are a poet and a wonderful person. I only need to read a few lines to feel it. You have such communication skills, I know that takes intelligence and depth wich are sides to a person that I find interesting and valuable. Means you have trained your soul through hard times. It gives you more perspective on life and the ability to understand others. You don't need to fit in a box. I don't fit either, who does really? The box is an awful place to be :) I can understand how the collection and the collecting can lift you when times are hard, I have had such comfort in that at times. It is nice to let the brain think only of those things. Soon there is a new year, let us curiously explore it and let its light shine on us and our collections. (Sorry for any bad spelling since this is not my first language)
Love it all !!!
Elisabethan, thank you most kindly, your words are beautiful & touched me deeply...& your use of your second language is just fine by the way. :-)
Thanks also, vetraio50, much appreciated!
Thank you IronLace :)
My pleasure! My dear father's first language wasn't English either (he had numerous languages) but he never failed to express his feelings beautifully. So however you say it, & wherever you're from, true kindness shines through...
That is true :)
A wonderfully eclectic collection, accumulated by a wonderfully eclectic person!!!
Creative, poetic post, so well describing you!
Bravo for sharing who you are! :-)
Many thanks, welzebub, & yes, that's so true, have collected so many different things throughout my life, even with glass it's been all over the place, though trying to reign it in to a few main for myself, have gone through many changes & now content, though not complacent, at last...
Thanks also, kyratango, that is so nice of you to say!
Love, love
Thanks so much, WideAwake0247!
What a Lovely & uplifting post. "The enigma of him" made me smile, how apt:)
Many thanks, Vintagefran, most kind of you, & glad it brought a smile!
I will only "fit into a box" when I cease to breathe. Thanks for the great post...
Thank you most kindly, vintagelamp, & I heartily agree with your sentiments!