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    Posted 5 years ago

    (51 items)

    Just purchased this bad boy a week ago and will be picking up in Florida in a couple weeks. I can't wait!!! Big fan of generic vintage neon signs and this one just had perfect subject matter! Will be totally bitchin' after I refurbish neon/components. I think I am going to mount it above a shoulder of the robot tag in my back yard. Robot was created by an English street artist who goes by the handle SNUB23. The geometric mural photos are his creation also here in downtown Lexington, KY. Look him up! He and his sidekick SPRITE do amazing work!

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    1. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      Where in Florida ? I’m in Florida:) Cool sign:)
    2. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      I found them on IG they do AMAZING work:)
    3. akrodog akrodog, 5 years ago
      Hey Trey, sign is in Bradenton right now. Have to deliver a neon clock down in Marathon and wife wants to see old friend in Ft. Meyers so we have one hell of a road trip coming up with starting point being Lexington, KY! And yes SNUB23 & SPRITE are very talented!! Cool stuff on his FB page also. Really fun people to have over for dinner also. GR8 story behind our meeting I'll relate sometime.
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      What an incredible, if also albeit kinda way wrong if you have a twisted up mind like I do, old sign. <LOLOLOL> CONGRATS on an exceptional prolly once in a lifetime score, PLEASE do share further pics one of these days whenever you do get it home and fixed and installed someplace! <applause> <cheers>
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    6. akrodog akrodog, 5 years ago
      Anything obscure, not twisted! A little bent maybe but all good. Sign immediately appealed to our sensibilities on numerous levels and had to have it. Exceptional addition to our collection.

      Thank you sir for compliments and will def post follow up pics.
    7. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      I'll take "bent" -- a much kinder term -- thanks SO MUCH!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      Waiting to see it restored !
    9. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 5 years ago
      wow! incredible sign! i hope it ends up on a gay bar someday!

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