Posted 14 years ago
(364 items)
Couldn't pass these eight glasses by today. They are about 8 inches tall and seem to be hand painted. The mark on the bottom looks like two musical notes. I have been trolling various marks but haven't found it yet. Anyone seen these before?
Have a great weekend!
I'll assume these aren't "dishwasher safe".
Yea! Thanks Wolcott!
And they are the perfect size for cocktails!
Just got a great tip. I had trouble photographing these and have another spaceman glass I want to show the gang but couldn't get it to show well. Then a friend suggested I pour milk in the glass...oh snap! Looks cleaner than paper and provides a refreshing drink when finished.
i have 3 cobalt blue wine glasses that my mother had every since i remember. and I am 53. You can tell they are crystal because of the sound but I have never found any that has ever looked like them. I to have 3 to match but never have seen any, they are about 8 inch tall, would whole about 5 ozs.
Interesting. Post a picture I'd love to see them!