Posted 5 years ago
(1204 items)
This vase is 9" (22.8 cm) high x 5" (12 cm) in diameter with a bottom that is ground flat/concave and polished. It weighs 5 lbs 4 ounces (1.8 kg). It was offered to me as a Beranek Andromeda vase which it s not. It is Japanese, by Sanyu/Narumi. It is, anyway, a very striking piece and quite a hunk of glass, at that.
I have a guess as to what it is, but don't want to influence anyone's opinion..
Thanks for loving my probably not Beranek vase Broochman and vetraio50!
Gorgeous colors, this is a real beauty Kevin
I haven't gone through the Beranek reference or catalogs so won't say for sure but my first impression is that this vase is Japanese.
At any rate, not Andromeda.
@Newfld - Thanks Jenni. I agree. It is a keeper.
@artfoot - Japanese was my first thought. I am working my way through the on line catalogs for Beranek and Skrdlovice, but not found anything in the 1960s. Broadening my search...
Thanks for loving my vase EZa, artfoot, Ivonne, Jenni and fortapache!
Really lovely vase, but not Czech. It's Japanese :)
@Anik - Thanks for your comment, Anik! My guess was Sanyu/Narumi...
Thanks for loving my vase Anik, PhilDMorris and surfdub!
I am removing the ebay link as the seller keeps all of their sales private. Thanks to Findings for posting it, though. Easy to find, for now, though...
Here is a Sanyu/Narumi vase with similar horizontal color bands:
Thank you aura!
Thank you Ms.CrystalShip!
Moving this case to the general "Art Glass" category, for now, since the current consensus is that it is probably not Czech.
Darn the consensus is NOT Czech, and of course I think it is. lol.
I own a lavender neodymium Beranek vase in the same overall style and shape, yours is much more appealing with the colorful strands and uneven surface results, an optic challenge or what?
Mine has a gold label, Czechoslovakia, S.P.M. 1893 Quebec Import Label.
and another example with diagonal columns:
@truthordare - Thanks for your comment and images! To me, it looks like a Beranek and Narumi vase had a child. I will say that the features on the two images you included are consistent and not a mix of horizontal and vertical features which span from top to bottom like on my vase, I think. I see that mostly on Narumi/Sanyu vases and have not been able to find it on other makers' work, yet. Here are some examples of the mix of vertical and horizontal features on Sanyu vases I have found:
What I haven't yet seen on any of the Narumi/Sanyu vases is the fairly even twisted foot that is on my vase. I've only been looking at Japanese glass for a view months, though, and the sample that I can view is limited. It may remain a mystery. CW has re-categorized it as Japanese Art Glass.... As Bart Simpson so eloquently puts it "I didn't do it!".
Thanks for loving my mutant vase truthordare, Thomas, AdeleC and bobby725!
Thanks K,
There are more Emmanuel Beranek vases in the Mark Hill books, with a more complex surface. He states that some of these designs were unique as they were hand manipulated before they cooled. My issue is the colored glass and how it was incorporated, Beranek is more of a mix of colors, with less clear glass in between. IMO.
I need to get a look at those books, but they are so expensive, especially with the shipping cost to the U.S. My cats will eventually have their way with them, too. I gave up on the concept of "coffee table" books long ago. I will see if they are available via inter-library loan. It is also possible that one of the local universities has them. Maybe they will come out in paperback, some day! ;)
The vase is 100% not Czech (wrong base finish for Czech glass of this type, especially from Skrdlovice, and certainly not a Skrdlovice pattern)... it is Japanese though I know too little about Japanese glass to say which glassworks :)
Thanks Anik. I will keep digging.
Thank you bluderbuss2!
Less confused? This vase arrived today and I am a bit less confused. Every raised rib is manipulated, when, from the images, I thought there might be unmodified ribs. Nope. Also, none of the ribs twist as much or go to the top of the vase as is the case on the great majority of Beranek Andromeda vases I can find images of. I was also able to get a better look at the base and the finish is pretty identical to the vase I recently identified as Sanyu/Narumi Fantasy Glass in the link below. I guess I am moving further toward the Japanese identification.
I will try to get some pictures to illustrate my points,
I added an updated photo of the bottom. Much easier to see that the bottom was concave and then the edges were ground flat. Very similar to my Narumi vase in the link above. I also found a very large air bubble on one of the ribs, but there does not seem to be any danger of it breaking. The glass seems thick over it and it is on the side of one of the ribs. It can be seen in the first photo, third rib from the right just over half way up. There are a couple of other, smaller bubbles.
Not Czech.......clearly vintage Japanese Art Glass
Iwatsu, Sanyu, or Narumi ..... I think it is one of those
@antiquerose - Thanks for your comment! Sanyu was a product line (Fantasy Glass) of Narumi Glass works, so same company. Iwatsu had a couple of product lines, Hineri and Art Glass. Narumi is still in business but now makes crystal home wares, not art glass. Iwatsu went out of business in the 1990s. There were/are several other candidates, Some still exist and some don't. From what I have currently learned, I lean toward Narumi/Sanyu Fantasy Glass, but I just can't find anything else like this by them....
Thanks for loving my vase Nicefice and TreasureTex!
@renedijkstra - Thanks for your comments. I will keep researching this one!
Thanks MALKEY and kivatinitz!
Thanks for looking at and loving my Narumi vase VioletOrange!
Thank you ho2cultcha!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my Narumi vase iggy and Ms.CrystalShip!
Thank you, vcal!
I finally got decent images of this vase and moved it to "Mystery solved" as I am now sure that is is Sanyu/Narumi.
Thanks, BHIFOS!
Thanks, mp.kunst!
Thanks, Waki!
Thanks, Deano!