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Loetz Candia Silberiris with Applied Bands/Pulled Feet, PN Unknown, ca. 1902

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Bohemian Art Glass851 of 6681Possible early Loetz with Eugen Marcus attributed silver overlayLoetz Candia Craquele m. Creta Schlange, st PN II-635, ca. 1900
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    First find of the New Year!

    This decor is technically "unknown" - there are five examples in the Glasmuseum Passau. All of the examples I have seen have exhibited superior iridescence - way more vivid than your usual candia Silberiris. The creta green and silver banded ribbons are applied to the vessel body, and then pulled along with some of the main vessel to form four feet of exact equal length. It's a difficult thing to accomplish technically, as the glass is worked while hot, and the vase has to sit perfectly level once cooled. At just under 10" tall (25 cm), this one sits level, and no grinding was needed to keep the vase from tilting - a great accomplishment for the glass blower. Because of the extra power of the iridescence, I wonder if these could have been made for a special client, the likes of Bakalowits or Lobmeyr? Along with the production numbers and the decor, these are questions that remain unanswered, for now.

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Happy New Year Warren!
    2. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Happy New Year!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 5 years ago
      In looking at the details, I am amazed at the skill needed to make it. What an amazing piece!
    4. famatta127 famatta127, 5 years ago
      thats huge for this decor!

    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      a lovely sophisticated piece & very futuristic !!!!!!!!!!!
      all the very best malkey

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