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The A. Ruckl Satin Spatter Shimmy Glass Collection - Documented X3 & More

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Bohemian Art Glass839 of 6681Here is something to muddy the waters: a molded blown glass basket in red and green spatter, Czech deco but WHO? It's KRALIKLoetz rauchamethyst m. brillantopal vase, ca. 1935
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (369 items)

    Sometimes you need to go back to basics, what did you have for documentation to be able to attribute Czech glass to Ruckl five years ago?

    My collection (Image 1) was a beneficiary of the Tango Sklo Exhibits & participation of Jiri Ruckl, CEO at the time for providing documentation and actual glass examples for the exhibits his company was representing for this 1920s period (image 3). The large Novy Bor Glass Museum Ruckl poster with an excellent varied combination of illustrations of the Ruckl glass items from the 1920s. The 1997 book by the Truitts, Volume II, for their Ruckl catalog pages, showing small boudoir glass lamps (image 2), and the document of line drawings with the name of decors, which were very useful to identify some of the Ruckl styles and glass colors (image 4).

    What we learned since is that pre 1920, the three glass plants Ruckl was operating were all dedicated to utilitarian industrial glass, including the important medical field since 1843. That explains their absence in the antique Bohemian Art Glass category list of plants. Their production continued, by 1938, for the Germans, then in 1946 for the Soviet Block re-organization of the Czechoslovakia glass industry.

    This information and the images made available with identification are at the core of my pursuit of the smaller number of glass pieces that have survived today. When I am questioned about this, the simple facts are there for everyone to see.


    Another glass family's production of decorative glass in the 19th century in Bohemia has very little to work with to identify the overall stock glass items they were making at any point in time. We have seen a partial image of a page with a few glass pieces which seem to be post WWl, but we don't know what that page is and where it was published and for who.

    There were connections with Schreiber and his many plants, I wonder if Germany was involved in the sale of this glass.

    The question might be is it a wholesaler page or a company catalog page or what? The other means of identification are labels, again as what? Maker, distributor or importer.

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Seems we had a deletion of all comments and loves by members. I still want to thank the members, and realise the tone of some comments were not acceptable to CW.

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