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Anyone know anything about this saw?

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1 item)

    Picked up this saw in a box full of tools. Most items in this photo have been identified but am stumped by the saw. Thank you in advance to anybody who can help.

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    1. lptools, 5 years ago
      Hello, Nice group of tools. Hard to tell about the saw, I will guess at a Disston, see if there are any markings on the medallion on the handle.. There is a lot of info out there regarding Disston saws. Regards, Lou
    2. JEllington, 5 years ago
      You are right, that is a Disston. I have a few like it but the handle on that one is really nice. Looks comfortable to hold for longer periods. Nice set
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 5 years ago
      It is a skew back saw and the picture is wrong to tell if it is cross cut or rip. I can see it needs lots of work on the teeth.
    4. frisco frisco, 5 years ago
      I agree with all the above, in that its probably a disston. I have a love hate feeling about the beautiful, ornate handle tho. I love it because it looks like your hand and thumb will fit it like a glove, and not so much in the total meat (wood) left to keep it from cracking under pressure. Either way, Very Nice Find Indeed !!!!

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