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My collection of CD154 and 15

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Insulators48 of 372Isolated Insidious Insulator Brown's Ponies CD188 Double Petticoat Side Groove Mine InsulatorForeign insulator
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (20 items)

    This is most of my collection of Cd154 and 155, it is my favorite style mostly the 154, I built the shelf before I knew I would be collecting so many. So not all of them are on the shelf. There are many many different makers both domestic an foreign. Hemingray, Whitall Tatum, McLaughlin, Madewell, Kerr, Armstrong, Garner, Lynchburg, Brookfield, Zicme, Agee, Zicme, Crisol Texcoco, Dominion, R.Y.T Diamond, Crisma, and even no name and a couple I can’t remember.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Looks to be some rather valuable ones there. Especially the ambers.
    2. sslam sslam, 5 years ago
      Hi fortapache, the ambers are really pretty but by far not the most expensive in my collection. The dark one in the back row of the 4th shelf is my most expensive at almost 3000.00 it is a whitall Tatum dark,red amber and even the cornflower blue dominions are more valuable than the dominion ambers. I think I have almost every shade of the Amber including the two tone amber and I also have a two tone green/straw dominion which I am going to try to post if Imcan get good pic. I only have cell phone camera so quality not always the best. Please post your new insulators I would love to see them.
    3. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      You have these displayed very nicely!
    4. sslam sslam, 5 years ago
      Thanks so much for the nice comment on my display. Appreciate it.
    5. bottle-bud bottle-bud, 5 years ago
      Excellent, I am digging all the different colors.
      Thanks for sharing!
    6. purvis purvis, 5 years ago
      love it .very impressive and first class display .
    7. sslam sslam, 5 years ago
      Thank you everyone for the kind words

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