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Loetz Shade - "kristall Blitzglas mit rot umsponnen", PN II-1948, ca. 1904

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    Here is another decor based on Blitzglas, which is crystal covered with irregular vertical colorless glass threads. In this version, a winding of red glass is wrapped around in a tight spiral prior to the colorless threads being applied. Although PN II-1948, which mentions Blitzglas, does not call out this decor specifically, a matching glass vase in PN II-2567 describes it exactly. The German decor name translates to "Crystal Blitz glass wound with red" I have also seen these wound with blue. All variations are rare.

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Beautifully delicate!
    2. Joel222, 3 years ago
      Crystal Blitz glass.. wow that's rich ...pretty thing ..

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