Posted 5 years ago
(1203 items)
This vase is 6.75" high x 4" widest diameter, not labeled or marked. Not huge by Japanese standards. The bottom is concave and the edge has been ground and polished. This base treatment is very similar to other Narumi pieces in my collection. This vase is also very similar to other Narumi vases posted on CW, but is in one of their more common color combinations, green and orange. I have no doubt that this was made by Narumi. The question which will likely never be answered (by me) about this vase is which Narumi line name was it made under: Sanyu Fantasy Glass, Island Craft, other...?
It was identified Kamei Osaka glass by the the seller, but Kamei Osaka did not make glass, they were just an exporter of glass made by other companies. Kamei has become a catch all term for unlabeled glass which was possibly made in Japan. Some of the glass identified on ebay and Esty as Kamei could well be Bohemian or Italian, not Japanese, at all. I am not yet seeing any Chinese glass which could be confused with vases like this.
Really beautiful vase, fabulous blended colors
Yeah, love the colors!
@Newfld - Thanks Jenni! I've been looking to something with these colors. This one has a small scratch but the price was right.
@iggy - Thanks iggy! Me too!
Thanks for loving my "Kamei" vase AdeleC, iggy, aura, artfoot, Nicefice, Ivonne, Kevin, Jenni, fortapache, Thomas and Vynil33rpm!
@Newfld - Thanks Jenni! I've been looking for something with these colors. The remind me of Thanksgiving! This one has a small scratch but the price was right.
@iggy - Thanks iggy! Me too!
Thanks for loving my "Kamei" vase AdeleC, iggy, aura, artfoot, Nicefice, Ivonne, Kevin, Jenni, fortapache, Thomas and Vynil33rpm!
There has been a lot of discussion on the Japanese Glass page on facebook about these vases.
I am sure they are Narumi Fantasy Glass.
@racer4four - Thanks Karen! I will be posting a better image of the bottom, soon. It is exactly the same as on several of my other Narumi pieces, concave bottom with the edges ground flat. Too bad I don't/won't use FaceBook..... Dying to have a good conversation about Japanese art glass.
Thanks for loving my Fantasy vase bracken3, blunderbuss2 and PhilDMorris!
Thanks for loving my Narumi vase Anik!
Thanks so much MALKEY!
this is for sure narumi , mid 70 ties instead of the 60 ties,nice combination good condition ( of course it is deadstock ) well done
Thanks for the information, waki!
Kevin (the other one)
They can,t assess this on facebook really ?, actually i don,t believe it , the only discussion is , is this deadstock , end of discussion , nice peace
I don't use FB so maybe the Japanese glasses group there has accepted Narumi/Sanyu as the maker. Everyone else seems to have done so...
Thanks Jenni, Bruce99, rancherswife and vcal!