Posted 5 years ago
(389 items)
I think bb2 will be interested in this posting.
It is a modern made blunderbuss, sometimes called a coach gun. The early versions were used on naval vessels to qualm mutinies, or on traveling coaches, to discourage robbers and highway men.
Unlike the originals (such as the ones that bb2 posted) this is a modern version made in Belgium. It is quite well made and, although I haven't fired it yet, I have no fear of it exploding on me. Of course, I will test fire it in an old auto tire before I put it to my shoulder.
I bought it at a gun sale in January, so it will hang over my fireplace until spring when I can spend some range time with it.
I am curious to find out how accurate it is. My guess is that it not for a target further than 20 yds.
Well hotair, you got my attention ! I knew right away. Looks real well made. (Numbers on the side of the barrel immediately gave it away. Steel barrel or brass ? They always fire lower than where you think you are aiming. They are fun though for the kick, if nothing else. Everybody wants to shoot them.
Thanks for the comeback bb2. I kind of thought that you would get a kick out of it. I know that it is not an original and made no design in passing it off as such. I am curious to see how much it kicks. I am used to recoil in both hand guns and long rifles. I have owned in the past 300 Win. and 7mm. mag. and 44 mag hand guns, plus the rest of the usual 45 cal. 9mm. and 357mag. they all kick and I get a kick out of that.
I never really expected that it would be accurate. the bore and short bbl. tells me that, just looking for the fun for my friends and I can get out of blasting a few pumpkins. LOL
And they just look mean ! I bought a mold for my naval and got a ferrel the right dia. to tape on the breech to see if there is much accuracy. Haven't tried it yet because of flu & rain. Did try buck & ball.
Uncle Fester's weapon of choice.
Fired the ole skuttle bucket yet ?
not yet BB2, I'm waiting for this Corona Virus to "bug out" before I go to the range.
Is the flare just at the muzzle or down to the breech ? Some of the full tapered ones had a horizontally flared muzzle.