Posted 5 years ago
(5053 items)
This wrench is actually very easy and effective to use. The bar which opens and closes the wrench can be moved from the narrow end of it which sticks out. The wrench has the word 'Patent' on the side and a small impressed symbol which i've photographed. Any info on age or maker very welcome!
That is an early offset adjustable wrench......they didn't work well. Some people call them a cresent wrench but Cresent is a brand name so unless it has the name it isn't a cresent.
The "S" handle design is common but what is a little unusual is the lack of a gear to open and close the jaw as in a modern version. Who made it will probably forever be a mystery. Dozens of companies jumped on the design and produced them. I believe one of the earlier companies was Keystone who made tools for Westcott. Stanley marked theirs but I believe there were unmarked ones that came out of Millers Falls. None of them are terribly valuable but this one a little more because of the lack of the adjuster gear. Probably made around or right after WWII.
found this a wrenching news
0373. PATENT - VELOX - MADE IN GERMANY - - 7.75". Crescent type looking wrench but with a wedge that releases or locks the sliding jaw, offset handle.
also had other sizes but pic in photobucket:
0121. PATENT - VELOX NO. 2 / MADE IN GERMANY - - 10". Crescent type looking wrench but with a wedge that releases or locks the sliding jaw, offset handle. Good Plus. (like S759)
0122. PATENT VELOX - MADE IN GERMANY - - 8" Crescent type looking wrench with a wedge quick adjustment and offset handle like above. Good Plus. (like S759)
thank you TallCakes and fhrjr2! this one is the 8" one and it still works really well. i'm amazed at how good of an adjustable wrench it actually is.
there's a large wedge on one end and a small wedge on the other. you adjust it by pushing in on the small wedge. you can either keep pushing and it moves incrementally or you can hold it in and move it manually with your other hand. it locks when you let go of the small wedge.