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A little herd of Welz hexagonal vases

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Art Glass2890 of 22787David Lotton Zipper Vase made in 1992Paperweight - Ed Kachurik - 3 Panel Sculpture Series
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (186 items)

    All of these small vases have already been presented on CW ,but I would like to share them because they became a part of my Welz collection thanks to CW friends,Peggy and Alan.Thank you for your involvement and friendship :).
    The first vase has spatter in oxblood and white ,covered by light blue layer.This combination is the very first spatter I have ever seen.It was many,many years ago when my grandma had a tea jar of those colours and, to be honest,this was the very first cause why I started to be interested in and then collect glass.

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      I love your "little herd" (what a beautiful description!) & the story of how you were inspired to collect glass. Memory, & the connections one makes are so often the starting point for collecting...
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thank you,Marin.I'm glad you like the phrase.As a non-native user of language I often hesitate before using any idiomatic expressions if they aren't obvious.This time I deemed it would be ok :)
    3. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Ivonne, your words touched my heart...I think it was the perfect way to describe these vases, which are small, but full of character. They have a definite personality to them, which is part of their charm. I only hope I can find one of my own someday, & any colour will do!
    4. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      I believe,you will!
    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 5 years ago
      That little variegated yellow vase certainly is a Welz shape so it’s important in identifying other identical yellow variegated glass in different forms as being made by Welz. Many experts don’t want to admit that Welz made these yellow spatter with enamel items.
    6. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      I can't agree more,LOUMANAL.They were taken for Moser or Legras,if I remember.
    7. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      Anyone who denies that Welz made a variegated yellow decor is simply fooling themselves into believing something that is not accurate. Moser also made a yellow variegated decor, as did Loetz, although theirs is a little different. There were several examples of that decor shown in the Tango exhibition in 2012 as Welz production.
    8. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      O wish I had been there...
    9. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      Ivonne, there is an online record of one of the stops. Here is the link if you have not seen it before.
    10. Ginger101, 5 years ago
      just wonderful ..
    11. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thanks,welzebub.I've got it.
    12. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thank you,Ginger,I'm glad you like it:)
    13. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      A great little herd Ivonne!
      Glass like this is wonderful in a group and then to pick up and look at individually.
      It’s nice that others here share, such wonderful people.
    14. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thank you,Karen.People here are great,I agree:)
    15. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much for all the loves and comments:)
    16. Oroyoroyisthatyourhorse2 Oroyoroyisthatyourhorse2, 4 years ago
      Nice collection ....
    17. Ivonne Ivonne, 4 years ago

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