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19th century photography

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Cartes-De-Visite29 of 33519th century photographyCivil War cdv pair of Frederick Brown
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (4 items)

    Just a sample of the thousands of photographs my father collected. I am trying to educate myself on the various photographers, time periods and subjects

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    100 CDV Carte De Visite Photo SLEEVES Pack/Lot ARCHIVAL SAFE Quality 1.5mil Poly
    100 CDV Carte De Visite Photo SLEEV...
    ORIGINAL Abraham Lincoln Civil War Carte-de-Visite CDV by Anthony / Brady #O-60
    ORIGINAL Abraham Lincoln Civil War ...
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    100 CDV Carte De Visite Photo SLEEVES Pack/Lot ARCHIVAL SAFE Quality 1.5mil Poly
    100 CDV Carte De Visite Photo SLEEV...
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    1. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Welcome to CW-- look forward to seeing more of the photos.

      Some information on your US photos-- with the exception of the top right, all appear to date from after the Civil War. Most appear to be 1870s or later.

      Thin cardstock and straight corners are both indicative of a Civil War period carte de visite.

      The prices on the back are not indicative of current values.

      In general, subject matter is the most important in determining value; although there are a few photographers that are collected and have value even with a mundane portrait pose.

      Some subjects to look for: military, occupational, street scenes, animals....

    2. adelling, 5 years ago
      Thank you Scott! I really appreciate the information. I will keep posting.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Glad to help out.

      Didn't mean to neglect your UK carte de visites-- I deal predominantly in US photographs and there are some dating differences with non- US photographs.

      With that being said your UK cdvs appear to date from the 1860s- 80s.

      Look forward to seeing additional photos.

      Also, if you have the inclination, take a look at my postings-- I have several hundred antique photograph postings on this site.

    4. adelling, 5 years ago
      thank you again. I find the UK cdvs interesting because it wasn't his focus. I'm guessing they came in a lot purchase. I will definitely look through your postings. I have a lot to learn!

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