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1956 Vendo 39 Coke Machine

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Sunmoon2679's loves747 of 904Large Tin COCA COLA Sign 1960's MCA 7811930's Coca Cola menu tin sign
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (9 items)

    I Finished my 1956 Vendo 39. Lots of work and Fun. Bought it a few years back, took awhile to find time to finish. This is my first Coke Machine restoration

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      Beautiful job!
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      Excellent restore! I remember that model well, a 5 & 10 store had one out front. The owner would always come out and make sure you were going drink the Coke there and leave the bottle or give him the 2 cent deposit!
    3. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      AWESOME JOB :)
    4. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 5 years ago
      Great work!

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