Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
First I must point out this vehicle backed into position thus the tire trucks.
This is the GI Joe M-8Greyhound released around 2000. This version has what is called the faded winter camouflage. Seems to work fairly well. Probably better on less fresh snow.
The M8 Greyhound was a 6 wheel drive scout car. It had a 37mm cannon and 2 machine guns. Not the most powerful armored vehicle but it could take out a machine gun nest easily. Plus there is a radio attached to the WWII American army so there would be artillery, air strikes, tanks and more.
As a free bonus there is Flash Gordon, Action Boy (not Kid Action) and Ming the Merciless. All part of the Captain Action series.
Plenty of exciting items to post nest week. Not sure what the Saturday Evening Post will be.
Your superheroes are lookin real good here fort, that tank in the snow is totally boss
It's just like White Tiger!! Not really. Good film though.
Ming and friends don't look snow ready, they would make easy targets.
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much racer4four. Flash is dressed for the snow.
The camo does work pretty good.