Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
Last week was rank patches so this week position patches. Every scout has a rank but not every scout has a position although there are many positions. Patrols are the most basic of scout units. Patrols are made up of boys of similar age and the next step up is troop. All positions would be at Patrol and Troop level. These patches are Patrol Leader.
Starting off is the pre-1972 style patch. There are earlier versions which are rougher but the two bars were the Patrol Leader symbol for over 60 years.
Next is the 1972-1989 version. I think there is also a gold trim version. The backings on these are different. One is twill and the other plastic. Not quite sure if there is a timeline on this.
Last is the 1989-current version, the subdued patch. Same background color as the shirt and without the Boy Scout emblem.
Next may depend on what I find this week.