Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
With silver plastic wheels! This model was sold from 1959-1965 but only through 1962 with the silver plastic wheels. It looks like a van but is actually a car I guess.
This has the dual tone paint scheme of the early models plus the painted bumpers and headlights. And it has nifty tinted windows avoiding the Tootsietoy look. Still no interior on this one.
Aside from the wheels there were no other variations on this model. The other wheels were black. Not sure why Matchbox used gray and silver wheels. 1961 was the last year for gray wheels and 1962 was the last year of the silver wheels.
I think this actually is a van.
The household Anglophile advised me this is a Ford Thames van.
Thank you very much rcer4four. The v-man?
No the V-man's sire. The V-man had to inherit the weird from somewhere- it couldn't possibly have been from me.
Racer4four but of course.