Posted 5 years ago
(906 items)
This was tucked into a non Welz box, just to fill a gap too small for another Chribska. I remember buying a few Welz pieces from an ebay seller who had obviously bought a collection of Welz.
II cm./4.5 invhes
Beautiful Welz!!
Thanks scott :)
I am continually astounded by the myriad decor and shapes of Czech glass.
Very nice unpacking find - a real little treat! Now, I need to find one for myself...& any decor would do...
I told you so...:)
I'd have to agree, Karen, particularly just now as I sort through so many. Of course there were many makers of whom we know little or nothing today.
IronLace, these turn up in the UK fairly often, if irregularly. I know you look here :)
lol, Iwona, you did. Can I assume you do have a crystal ball then :)