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1899 Primary School Class Photo

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yougottahave…'s loves435 of 9112Hoppie Easter to all CW,, 1909 +1907 postAntique 1800's Lap Desk
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (19 items)

    I picked up this 1890s class photo last year for a fun reason.One of the girl in the top row is the spitting image of my niece. She's her 1899 doppleganger! The photo has some water damage, but I snagged for about $1 at the tail end at a flea market as I was about to head home. The back has the teacher's name on it, Ella Latham. I had done some research on it a while back, and she was a well know teacher so there is some information about her on the internet. Funny thing though. I posted this photo on Facebook a while back, and this school is still standing in Rutland, Vermont. Someone reading my post happened to snap a photo of the archway the kids are standing under as it stands today as she was driving on by :)

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    1. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      I really appreciate the clothing. I see on boy using a crutch.
      My first thought was, I would love to metal detect that area when they break up the existing sidewalk at the base of the stairs.
    2. Licorice1977 Licorice1977, 5 years ago
      Thanks TreasureTex! Metal detecting sounds like a fun hobby. I do love finding treasures, and I don't mind getting my hands dirty!
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Its rather nice that it is not shown with normal contrast. In this much lighter version you don't see the very water damaged photo with all the problems a good picture would show !~
    4. Licorice1977 Licorice1977, 3 years ago
      PhilDMorris... umm, what? This is a scan of the photo without manipulation aside from being cropped. It's not lighter than the original. It's a cabinet card so the photo is mounted on card, and the bulk of the water damage in on the edges of the card. Not sure why you're saying this. It is a good photo. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't thin it was.

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