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Mega Memorial Mechanical Matchbox Monday Matchbox Models of Yesteryear 1960s

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3485 items)

    More of my collection. I was going to take them out of the boxes for some fine family photos but don't have enough time so this.
    The first photo features the G-5 Gift Set. The Yesteryears were a larger scale than the regular Matchbox so that was a fine gift. Also the early BP Service Station. That is one of my favorite sets although not a Yesteryear set. Also some King Size Models making a cameo appearance.
    The display needs a little work. I shall work on it eventually. In the meantime various boxes and some loose examples.
    In the meantime we shall see if I get something new for next week.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Fantastic early 20th century vintage car collection, love that sporty white 1928 Mercedes
    2. AdeleC AdeleC, 5 years ago
      I love these old cars. I think I've got some stashed away, but all out of boxes and some are pretty battered!
    3. Lata Lata, 5 years ago
      Amazing as always Fortapache! you will have to open a virtual Matchbox museum, for us to visit during covid quarentine :)
    4. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Newfld. That Mercedes is a favorite of mine too.

      Thank you very much AdeleC. Yes they due tend to get battered without their boxes.

      Thank you very much Lata. I will try but I am on the frontlines, not much time.
    5. OLECODY OLECODY, 5 years ago
      These are cool if I collected matchbox things this is what it would be
    6. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Olecody. I'll post another batch next week.

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